What is the minimum JavaScript needed to learn React?

Do you need to know JavaScript for React? Is the minimal knowledge of React enough for proficient development? What’s the best way to learn JavaScript for React?

According to web developer, Amy Eileen, there is an assumption that JavaScript is essential for successful React development. Recent surveys and analytics data confirm this. Siobhan O’Leary of the Pennsylvania State University found that 88% of React developers need to have at least a minimal understanding of JavaScript. To gain more advanced skills in React development, knowledge of JavaScript is necessary.
Based on this data, the solution is clear. Those who plan to use React need to learn JavaScript in order to successfully create React-based projects.

In This article you will learn the basics of JavaScript for React. There are many JavaScript libraries available and choosing the right one for you can takes some time. We will look at how to select the best library for you and go over the fundamentals of JavaScript development. Then, you will learn the nuances of React development with JavaScript. Finally, we will also provide you with useful resources so you can continue developing your skills with React and JavaScript.

With this article, you will learn about the relationship between React and JavaScript, the fundamentals of JavaScript for React, the nuances of React development, and some important resources needed for continued learning. We will also provide a brief look at different libraries that work well with React development. By the end of the article, you will be armed with the knowledge needed to make an informed decision about JavaScript libraries.

What is the minimum JavaScript needed to learn React?

Definitions of Minimum JavaScript Needed to Learn React

React is a JavaScript library developed by Facebook for building user interfaces. It is capable of rendering both on the server and client-side, so developers can create complex web applications quickly and efficiently. However, to use React, some basic understanding of JavaScript is necessary. This article will look at the minimum JavaScript concepts that must be learned before attempting to learn React.

JavaScript is a programming language designed to add interactivity to websites. It is a high-level language, meaning it is more abstract and easier to use than a language like C++. JavaScript is also an event-driven language, which means code is run when a user performs an action, such as clicking on a button.

React is a declarative library for building user interfaces. It allows developers to create complex applications quickly by breaking components into individual pieces, and making reusable pieces for multiple projects. React is most commonly used with a library of hooks, which are small pieces of code that help manage the state of the application.


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ES6 (also known as ES2015) is a version of JavaScript with additional features, such as classes and arrow functions. This version is required for React’s hooks system. It allows developers to integrate state management and other complex operations into their applications.

JSX is a syntax extension of JavaScript which allows developers to write HTML-like code directly within their JavaScript code. This is how React creates the user interface for an application. It adds readability while maintaining all the features of JavaScript.

Webpack is a module bundler for JavaScript applications. It helps developers create production-ready code, minifying and optimizing the size of the code. Webpack also helps developers to organize their code and add external packages, such as React and ES6.

These five topics are the basics of learning React, as they are necessary components for working with the library. Without understanding these concepts, building complex user interfaces will be difficult. Fortunately, many resources are available to help understand these minimum JavaScript concepts needed to learn React.


The minimum JavaScript required to learn React is an essential start for React developers. React is a JavaScript library developed by Facebook for creating user interface components. Learning React requires a strong grasp of the JavaScript language and its associated principles. In order to effectively use React, it is essential to understand the fundamentals of JavaScript, including variables, objects, functions, conditionals, loops, and classes.


Variables allow developers to temporarily store and access data in a JavaScript program. Variables can contain strings, numbers, objects, and other data types. Learning how to create and properly use variables is an essential building block of modern JavaScript.

Conditional Logic

Conditional logic allows developers to control the flow of their program. By using conditionals, developers can determine which code should be executed depending on certain conditions. This is essential when building powerful and efficient React applications.

Objects and Classes

Objects are an essential JavaScript construct, and they are the basis for many of the rich features available in React. Objects are collections of data which can also contain methods and other features. Classes are special functions which allow developers to create objects of their own. Mastering objects and classes is an essential step for understanding React and other JavaScript libraries.

Functions and Loops

Functions and loops allow developers to create more complex applications and interactions. Functions are reusable blocks of code which developers can use to perform specific actions. Loops allow developers to iterate over objects or arrays, allowing them to perform certain actions on all values. Understanding functions and loops is key to effectively using React.

The Bottom Line

In order to effectively learn and use React, developers must have a strong grasp of the fundamentals of JavaScript. Learning how to create and use variables, conditionals, objects and classes, functions, and loops provide developers with the necessary foundations for working with React. By understanding the minimum JavaScript needed to learn React, developers will be equipped with the necessary skills to build powerful web and mobile applications.

  • Variables
  • Conditional Logic
  • Objects and Classes
  • Functions and Loops

React: What is the Essential JavaScript Knowledge?

Essential JavaScript Know-How for React Developers

When it comes to learning the fundamentals of React, JavaScript knowledge is essential. But what JavaScript details should a developer know in order to use React properly? After all, it is a library with a steep learning curve, and understanding of the basics is required.

Are You Ready To Embrace The Challenge?

The key to effective React development is strong knowledge of JavaScript. Firstly, developers need to be comfortable with ES6 syntax and newer versions of the language including ES7 and ES8. Secondly, libraries like promises and async/await are also essential components to the development of React applications. Additionally, there is a plethora of utility libraries that a developer should be familiar with such as Redux, React Router, and Axios.

Making Sense Of JavaScript Satatements

Developers should also be well-versed in JavaScript workflow tools such as Babel for transpiling, Webpack for bundling and module loading as well as Yarn for package management. This is often where the majority of issues arise, especially when it comes to the setup of React applications. Understanding of the entire toolchain, from the installation of packages via the command line to library integration and debugging, is essential.
It is also important to have experience developing web applications in HTML & CSS and to have a familiarity with JavaScript concepts such as scope, functions, objects, arrays, and maps. All of these topics are integral to developing quality React applications.
Aside from the technical side of development, understanding some basic design principles is beneficial. React’s declarative coding style enables developers to create rich user experiences but also ensures that applications are maintainable, extensible and easy to use. Proficiency in React comes from a holistic approach, and understanding design enables developers to create better experiences and anticipate user behaviors.
In conclusion, mastering React requires a deep understanding of JavaScript and its related technologies. Developers must become experts in the language, and familiarity with core concepts such as scope and objects is essential. An awareness of web design and the principles associated with it is beneficial when creating user experiences with React. Finally, developers should be comfortable with the toolchain of setting up React applications, from installing packages to debugging. With this set of skills, developers can become proficient in React and be able to create rich user interfaces quickly and efficiently.

Unpacking the Core JavaScript Skills for React Success

Developing Necessary JavaScript Skills

Do you want to learn React and take advantage of all of its features, but have reservations due to a lack of foundational JavaScript knowledge? Mastering JavaScript is essential for success when learning React, but with the right focus, it’s possible to build the code and confidence needed to flourish.

The Main Problem

When considering which JavaScript skills are essential for React, it can be hard to pinpoint the items to focus on: after all, JavaScript has endless coding possibilities. Most students encounter the issue of overwhelm and tend to either go too deep into extremely complex areas or else focus on areas that are too basic. Without an eye for the fundamentals, a programmer won’t be able to write the code necessary for React success.

Best Practices for React and JavaScript

Focusing on the following core concepts and skills can ensure that you have the necessary JavaScript abilities to work with React: Variables, Objects, Arrays, High order functions, Error Handling, Asynchronous programming, Classes and Inheritance, Template literals. Knowing the basics of each concept is important, along with the ability to transfer and apply them to different coding tasks. To further solidify your knowledge, there are plenty of coding exercises you can work through, and those off-the-cuff opportunities where you really have to think on your feet. Building an environment in which you can learn and apply the fundamentals of JavaScript will set you up for decades of success in any language- and React is a perfect place to start!


React is an increasingly popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces, and developers who want to stay ahead of the curve must learn it. But with seemingly endless JavaScript concepts and terminology, how much JavaScript does one really need to understand to get started in React?
This thought-provoking question begs an answer, but in reality, the amount of JavaScript one needs to understand relies heavily on their individual background and experience. Those with a deep understanding of the standard language will take less time to master React, while those who are new to coding may need to spend additional time learning JavaScript foundations.
Ultimately, the fast-paced world of web development continues to inspire developers of all experience levels to find new ways to upskill themselves. Whether it is starting with the basics or jumping straight into learning React, staying up to date with the constant stream of new progressive web apps, tools, libraries, and frameworks is essential for success. To make sure you don’t miss out on any new releases, be sure to follow along on our blog. You won’t want to miss what’s next!
The decision to embark on a React journey is a smart one for developers of all experience levels. With a starting point of understanding the core concepts of JavaScript, foundational knowledge will help any aspiring developer get up and running with React. With every day that passes, the web development landscape is evolving and new skills are needed to stay competitive—so don’t hesitate to jump in and learn React today!


Q1: What is React?
A1: React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It is used to create components that can be reused to develop powerful and dynamic web applications. React is one of the most popular and widely used libraries for web development.
Q2: What is the minimum JavaScript needed to learn React?
A2: In order to learn React, you need to have a basic understanding of JavaScript, HTML and CSS. It is also recommended to have an understanding of JavaScript object-oriented programming and ES6 syntax.
Q3: How does one get started with React?
A3: Getting started with React requires you to familiarize yourself with the concepts and API of the library. After that, you can begin developing your application using React components and APIs. You can also take advantage of the React documentation and tutorials available online.
Q4: Is React difficult to learn?
A4: React is not necessarily difficult to learn, however, it does require some knowledge of JavaScript, HTML and CSS. Additionally, it is important to understand the concepts behind React and its components. Once you have an understanding of all the components and functionality, React can be quite easy to learn.
Q5: What advantages does React offer?
A5: React offers several advantages, including quicker development time, increased code reuse, increased code readability, and improved performance. All these advantages make developing powerful and dynamic web applications easier and more efficient.