How did React.js get so popular while being complicated?

Have you ever wondered why React.js has become so popular even though it is complicated to use? How did it come to dominate the market so quickly? What challenges did React.js need to overcome to become one of the most widely used front-end technologies?

It is no secret that React.js has become one of the most popular front-end web development technologies. But why? Many developers have cited its ability to quickly render changes, its virtual DOM, and its reliance on popular JavaScript libraries as some of the reasons it has gained so much popularity. According to an article by Stackify, React.js can allow developers to quickly test and deploy their products and also “create reusable, easily-readable code with its component-based architecture.” Additionally, research done by NPM Inc. highlights that React.js has surged in popularity due to its ability to make development more efficient, faster, and easier. By allowing developers to use fewer lines of code to implement complex functionality, React.js has become a go-to weapon for all developers looking to get their projects off the ground.

In this article you will learn why React.js has become one of the most popular front-end web development technologies in such a short period of time. The article will explore various reasons why developers choose React.js over other JavaScript libraries. It will cover the advantages offered by the technology, and look into some of the common challenges users have encountered. Finally, it will discuss some best practices which developers should employ to ensure their React.js projects are successful.

React.js has revolutionized the way developers build websites by offering a series of advantages and possibilities. In the following article, you will learn what these advantages are, the common obstacles experienced by React.js developers, and the best practices you should follow to ensure your projects succeed. Join us as we explore why React.js has become one of the most popular front-end technologies.

How did React.js get so popular while being complicated?


React.js is a JavaScript library created by Facebook, used for building user interfaces. It is a popular choice for web and mobile app development, and despite its complexity, it has gained widespread popularity in recent years. React.js works by allowing developers to break down complex user interfaces into smaller, reusable components. These components can then be used as building blocks to construct the interface, creating a highly-customizable solution.

The main reasons for React.js’s popularity and implementation are its speed, flexibility, and ease of use. React.js is considered to be a fast tool due to its declarative programming style, which helps reduce the amount of code required for creating an interface. It is also easy to use, with components that are easy to configure and combine. Additionally, React.js allows developers to create user interfaces that are responsive, easy to read, and flexible.

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React.js also offers robust performance and scalability. The library is designed to ensure that applications built with it run smoothly, even with large datasets. It also allows developers to quickly improve their applications as user needs change, providing flexibility and scalability.

Despite its complexity, React.js is an incredibly popular choice for developers for building user interfaces. Its speed, flexibility, ease of use, robust performance, and scalability make it an ideal tool for modern web and mobile app development. The plethora of available resources makes it easy for developers to get started with React.js.

Exploring the Massive Popularity of Complicated React.js

Exploring the Massive Popularity of Complicated React.js

React.js, a JavaScript library from Facebook, has skyrocketed into one of the most widely used technologies for web applications. Its ability to create rich, interactive user experiences renders it invaluable to businesses. Despite the complex language and high learning curve, React.js continues to captivate developers and organizations everywhere. Understanding its ever-growing appeal is key for those considering development or employment of React.

Dynamic and Fast

React.js has a lightweight framework and tremendous flexibility, enabling developers to quickly build user-friendly websites and web apps. The ability to handle data in real-time and to adjust specific elements without page reloading speeds up web development processes. All of these characteristics contribute to React.js’s popularity — many developers, agencies and large-scale organizations acknowledge its potential to enhance user experience.

Efficient Options for Managing Updates

React.js makes content updating easier and more efficient than ever before. It provides multiple solutions for managing updates. One way is the use of a global store (Redux library) which saves the application’s state in one object. This avoids the need to reload the page and also makes debugging easier since changes can be tracked. Also, React’s component-based architecture enables developers to make modifications in one location, automatically updating all affected components.
Finally, React.js accelerates the development of single-page applications instead of websites due to its virtual DOM. With its virtual DOM, React.js is faster and more durable than other popular frameworks. By quickly comparing component trees, React.js solves the task of automatic update only of the components that has changed. This is where React.js is particularly useful – it tracks changes only, instead of making regular visits to the server.

Pros of React.js:

  • Lightweight library and extreme developer flexibility
  • Can handle data in real-time without page reloading
  • Enables efficient content updating
  • Offers multiple solutions for managing updates
  • Excels at single-page application development

The pros of React.js discussed above illustrate why the technology has become so popular for web applications. With its lightweight framework, flexibility and efficient updating processes, developers and organizations have been able to quickly build and deploy interactive user experiences — igniting the demand for React.js in today’s society.

React.js – The Complicated Yet Popular Framework

The popularity of React.js rivals that of a modern day rockstar. It is used in some of the world’s most renowned websites, applications, and products like Facebook, Instagram, Netflix, and Dropbox – just to name a few. It is skyrocketing in popularity, but compared to other frameworks, it is often considered to be complicated. So why has React.js become so popular despite its complexity?

High Performance Levels and Re-usability

The answer lies in its features. React.js has significantly higher performance levels than other frameworks thanks to its virtual DOM, which makes it possible to render the changes efficiently. With React.js, developers can create components which can be re-used multiple times, speeding up the development process. This re-usability and efficiency makes it more appealing to developers.

Making Complexity Approachable

Another reason behind its popularity is the way it simplifies coding. Its organised styling system, such as its inline styling and shadow DOM, makes coding problem-solving easier. Through the use of its virtual DOM, developers can optimise the UI code and application speed without making changes in the actual DOM, allowing developers to quickly deliver intuitive applications.
By combining its high performance levels, re-usability features, and the way it makes complexity more approachable, React.js has risen above its competitors in the web development industry and become a go-to framework. Companies now have the ability to develop intuitive and efficient web applications with reduced development time and increased cost effectiveness due to this popular and complicated framework.
Thought-provoking question: Is the modern industry’s demand for high performance levels and cost effectiveness the driving factor for the popularity of React.js? Key Idea: React.js has become popular in the web development industry thanks to its high performance levels, re-usability, and the way it simplifies coding for developers.

Unpacking React.js’s Mystique and Power

React.js’s Growing Momentum

Few technologies have exploded in popularity as quickly and steadily as React.js. Despite being far more complicated than many of its web development peers, React.js has become a dominant framework of choice for many businesses and developers. React not only has the backing of tech giant Facebook, but it also has a passionate community empowering its success. What made this framework stand out so quickly, and why has it not only endured, but thrived?

Enabling Developers to Build Large Applications

For many developers, React.js offers tangible benefits. Its declarative approach to programming leads to simpler, more readable code and the development of powerful apps. React’s composable components make it simpler to configure, test, and scale code that would otherwise be an insurmountable task. With React.js, intermediate developers can now create large applications with relative ease.
In addition to these advantages, React’s use of virtual DOM, a representation of HTML objects, helps applications run more efficiently and increase performance. JavaScript can interact with the virtual DOM without waiting for a web page reload. This increases the responsiveness of user interfaces, and at the same time, ensures better user experience.

The React.js Community Matters

Having strong solutions and performance is only part of the React.js story. Its commitment to the developer community is a driving factor behind its success. Crucial to this is the React.js documentation. It’s written in a conversational style which makes it easy to understand even by those new to it. Consistently evolving, the community is involved in its development, which further entrenches its credibility and use.
The growing ecosystem of resources provided by the React community is another key factor. Every day new libraries and tools pop up, designed to extend the features and capabilities of React. Other members of the community have created and published open source projects, providing insight on solutions to various problems.
Ultimately, the ideology of the React.js community of developing the library together has been a major factor in its success. A framework, no matter how advanced, would not have succeeded without this vibrant and supportive community. The support of the community ensures constant improvement and a culture whereby developers are open to experimetation. This attitude has been critical to the success of React.js.


It’s an interesting question to ask: how did React.js achieve its meteoric rise to fame despite being a difficult technology to learn? It’s certainly quite an accomplishment which, in many ways, makes it worthy of admiration. The truth is that the success of React.js is largely due to the fact that it is considerably more efficient than other major frameworks, making it the preferable choice for developers in the know.
The fact that it was created by a well-known tech giant, Facebook, certainly helped to propel it to the top of the charts as well. Add in the fact that React.js has been regularly updated and improved on since its inception, as well as the level of dedicated support that the developers have accessible, and you can begin to understand why it has been so successfully adopted.
Are you interested to find out more about the ins and outs of React.js? Then make sure you follow this blog to stay up to date with the latest releases and more thought-provoking articles. We can guarantee that you won’t regret it.


Q1: What is React.js?
A1: React.js is an open-source JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It is maintained by Facebook and a community of individual developers and companies. It allows developers to create large web applications that can change data without reloading the page.
Q2: What benefits does React.js offer?
A2: React.js allows developers to work quickly and efficiently, providing a streamlined approach to creating user interfaces. It also helps to create more complex and dynamic user interfaces. Developers can make use of reusable UI components, which are faster and easier to maintain than traditional web pages.
Q3: Is React.js difficult to learn?
A3: Learning React.js does require effort, but it is also approachable for novice developers. It has a large, active community that makes it easier to find support, resources, and answers to specific questions. It also provides many powerful tools such as React Native and React VR, which make developing complex applications much simpler.
Q4: Is React.js popular?
A4: Yes, React.js is increasingly popular among developers and companies due to its ease of use and flexibility. According to the Stack Overflow Developer Survey of 2019, React.js was the second most popular library and technology among developers.
Q5: What platforms does React.js support?
A5: React.js supports multiple platforms, such as web, mobile, and desktop. It can be used to create mobile apps as well as web applications. Additionally, React Native enables developers to create native mobile apps for both Android and iOS.